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1999 Art is... MANY VOICES


Festival Manager: Carolynne Hamdorf

The bright and brilliant 'Tower of Babble' appeared in May Park for the duration of the festival. The Tower was a construct of a stage, a field bin, scaffolding, a garden shed, and in its transformation became a recording studio, sound archive and a platform for public performance. Sound, song, singing. Noise was the focal point for the festival this year.

1999 saw the first of the Natimuk Frinj events. South American folk group Inka Marka performed with charango and bamboo flutes. Various local choirs formed and performed, mostly under the supportive direction of community musician, Santha Press - she played a huge role in facilitating the final event at the Tower of Babble.

Again local inclusions in the program were encouraged. Participation by the public as presenters and performers, not just as a passive audience, has always set the Art is... festival apart from other arts festivals.

Over the first four years we witnessed the growth of skills, confidence and power of the arts, because a few people dared to ask the question 'what is art?????'

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